Selling skills in the post lockdown world
When we come out of lockdown those of us in sales need to be well prepared to adapt our selling skills. Many things will...
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The Company Coach uses powerful psychometric and diagnostic tools whilst coaching and facilitating in order to help our clients identify their strengths and development areas in relation to their goals. Whether we are working with individuals or groups, the use of validated, objective psychometric and other assessment tools brings an added dimension to the diagnostic process.
STAR identifies strengths and weaknesses in 9 crucial sales competencies and 4 key individual attributes. The detailed report provides a superbly effective means of determining sales training needs, containing the costs of training and of providing vital benchmarks to support any sales recruitment program. The scores are analysed and the results compared with industry and territory norms.
STAR is an essential starting point for improving sales performance. The report is the first step in this process after which our experienced coaches will not only provide feedback but also assist in putting a plan in place to produce better sales performance.
Entrepreneurial capabilities are very much more complex to analyse and to quantify than might first be expected yet their presence or otherwise may have massive implications for the successful operation of a business. EQ is established amongst investment and venture capitalists, business owners, franchisors as well as senior executives of major enterprises as the definitive means of selecting distinguished individuals with the flair for building new businesses or developing the potential to the fullest of existing operations.
EQ identifies key entrepreneurial traits and thinking patterns and is validated against a massive base of data gathered from thousands of successful entrepreneurs and senior executives drawn from a wide range of market sectors. Private individuals have also been able to rely on EQ when seeking reliable evidence as to their ability to embark on an entrepreneurial career.